Metropix in The Times today
The Times' Property Editor, Catherine Riley, writes about Metropix in her column today. "...with the price for a walkthrough starting from just £9 the temptation to have a go yourself is almost overwhelming. Users simply create a floorplan on the website,, and in 24 hours this can be magically transformed into an electronic trip around your house." The article discusses the use of 3D walkthroughs to visualise proposed building work, as well as their established use for marketing purposes by estate agents.
There's even a cartoon inspired by Metropix! A woman approaches her husband, who is unhappy about something on the computer: "I thought you were looking at the virtual builder?", she says. He replies, "I was. But he's gone to look at another virtual job and will be back later!". Well, place your order today and we guarantee our virtual builders will give you their full attention!
The full article (sadly minus the cartoon!) is on the Times' website.
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